
Here are some helpful hints to a successful insurance shopping experience!


  • Find your “Declarations” page from your current policy.  Some agents may ask for this information as proof of current coverage or for informational purposes.  Please consider sharing this information with agents that you trust.
  • Please answer the questions on our questionnaires and the agent’s applications as accurately as possible.  Some questions may seem insignificant but they may be very important for your policy.
  • Start your shopping about 21 days before your policy renews.  The process can take and little time, but just as important some insurance companies actually give discounts to businesses that start the quote process early.
  • Know your figures.  Almost every carrier will want to know overall sales, liquor sales (if any), catering sales,  etc. 
  • Be honest with your agent!  Your agent is there to help protect your business. 


Industry links

Colorado Department of Insurance

National Council Of Compensation

Insurance Information Institute

National Association Of Insurance Commissioners